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Curriculum Vitae 




2009                        MS in Art Education, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA 

Areas of Research: Art practice as research, value of objects, space, and interaction


2002                        BS in Elementary Education and Visual Arts, Gordon College, Wenham, MA

Art concentrations: Painting and Sculpture



Professional Experience


2022-present         Ceramics Instructor (Teen Class)

Mudflat Studio, Somerville, MA


2024                        Adjunct Instructor (Art and Human Development course, community internship supervisor, review board visiting artist)

Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA


2022-2024              Adjunct Instructor (student teacher program supervisor)

Montserrat College of Art, Beverly, MA


2021-2023              Teaching Portfolio Reviewer

Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA


2018-2020              Visual Art Teacher (ceramics, sculpture, foundations)

Arlington High School, Arlington, MA


2018                        Art Teacher, long-term substitute

Hardy and Bishop Elementary Schools, Arlington, MA


2010- 2018             Assistant Professor of Art Education (FTE annual contracts)

Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA 


Pedagogical Courses Taught (undergraduate and graduate):

Art and Human Development 

Concepts and Processes in the Classroom

Saturday Studios: Prepracticum 1

Seminar 5: Designing Curriculum in the Visual Arts

Student Teaching Seminar


Studio Courses Taught (undergraduate and graduate):

Interdisciplinary Portfolio

Studio Investigations


Academic Responsibilities:

EdPrep Coordinator (2015-present)

Student Teaching Placement Coordinator (2015- present)

Family Day project in the gallery (2010-present)

Academic Advisor (2010-present)

Faculty Advisor, Student Government Association, NAEA pre-service chapter and Art Education groups (2013-present)

Committees: Awards (2016-2017), College-wide Curriculum (2012- 2016, 2017-2018), Library (2011-2012) Multicultural (2010-2011) Art Education Department Curriculum (2010-present), and Art Education Graduate (2010-2011, 2017)

Program Links meetings (2012-2013)


2011-2014              Gallery Educator, Looking to Learn Program

Bakalar & Paine Galleries, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA

Educational programing for contemporary art exhibitions, grades 4-12


2012                        Evaluator

Art21 Educators, New York, NY

Assisted with analysis and report writing 


2002-2011              Art Teacher, grades K-5

Winthrop and Doyon Schools, Ipswich, MA


Curriculum and content: 

Designed and taught lessons aligned with the district and state frameworks

Piloted interdisciplinary art integration program for writing and art

Differentiated curriculum to meet diverse student needs


School community engagement: 

Planned, organized, and displayed student artwork for Student Art Shows

Student Leadership Council project and an extracurricular art club

Visual Art Subject Area Curriculum Committee (2004-2006, 2008-2010)


2003-2011              Director and Instructor, ages 5-11

Summer Art Classes, Ipswich, MA 


2006                        Art Instructor, ages 7-11

LynnArts Center, Lynn, MA

2004- 2007             Instructor, ages 7-14

Kids to College, North Shore Community College, Danvers, MA  


2002                        Art Instructor, ages 6-13

AVA Gallery and Art Center, Lebanon, NH


2002                        Visual Art and Grade Two Student Teacher

Pine Grove School, Rowley, MA 


2000                        Art Camp Head Instructor, ages 5-12

Norwich Recreational Programs, Norwich, VT


2000                        Arts and Crafts Director (large groups of 40 campers, ages 7-12)

Camp Fiddlehead, Hanover, NH


1999                        Waterfront Director and Swim Instructor

Camp Advenchur, Alton Bay, NH


Guest Lectures, Conferences, and Assistantships


2023  Guest Lecturer, Professional Development, Eliot Pearson Children’s School, Medford, MA

Fostering Artistic Thinking


2022   Guest Artist, Sculpture Class, Gordon College, Wenham, MA

Sculptural Weaving 


2017  Presenter, Massachusetts Art Education Association Conference, University of Amherst, Amherst, MA

Witnessing Personal Growth in Classrooms and Galleries


2017, 2014, 2013, 2007-09 Guest Artist and Presenter, Art and Vocation Course, Gordon College, Wenham, MA

Artist, Teacher, Researcher


2016  Presenter, Massachusetts Art Education Association Conference, Lesley University, Cambridge, MA

Teaching Standards vs. Teaching Creativity


2015  Co-Presenter, Massachusetts Art Education Association Conference, Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, North Adams, MA

Skills and Dispositions of a Successful Teacher  

Fostering Creativity in the Age of Assessment


2015  Co-Presenter, National Art Education Association Conference, New Orleans, LA

Problem-finding: Structuring a portfolio course to develop students/ art practice


2014  Presenter, Massachusetts Art Education Association Conference, MassArt, Boston, MA

Teaching from the Contemporary and Linking Contemporary Art and Curriculum Standards 


2013  Presenter, Massachusetts Art Education Association Conference, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, Dartmouth, MA

Practice, Practice, Practice: Balancing Instruction, Artmaking, and Contemporary Concepts in Curriculum


2012  Co-presenter, National Art Education Association Conference, New York, NY 

If You’re Not Learning, They’re Not Learning: a Multi-Layered Collaboration


2012  Co-presenter, Association of Academic Museums and Galleries Conference, Minneapolis, MN

Symbiotic Learning: Faculty, Students and Staff in the Classroom and the Gallery


2010-2012 Guest Reviewer, Master of Science in Art Education Thesis Reviews, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA


2008-2009 Graduate Assistant to the Chair of Art Education, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA 


2008  Co-presenter, National Art Education Association Conference, New Orleans, LA 

Developmental Understanding for Ourselves and our Students: a Model for Growth


2008  Panel member, National Art Education Association Conference, New Orleans, LA

Continuing the Conversation: Art Based Education Research, the Next Generation


2008  Co-presenter, Massachusetts Art Education Association Conference, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA

Developmental Understanding for Ourselves and our Students: a Model for Growth


2005  Guest Presenter, Summer Literacy Institute, Ipswich Public Schools, Ipswich, MA

Visual and Verbal Thinking




Katzew, A., Archambault, A. (2016). Approaching interdisciplinarity in a school of art and design. In J. Hoffman Davis (Ed.), Discourse and disjuncture

between the arts and higher education: The Arts in Higher Education. (pp. 117-141) New York: Palgrave MacMillan.

Awards and Honors


2014                 Higher Education Art Educator of the Year, Massachusetts Art Education Association

2008                 Graduate Travel Grant, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Ecuador

2002                 Phi Alpha Chi Honor Society, Gordon College, Wenham, MA 

1998-2002       AJ Gordon Scholarship (academic leadership), Gordon College, Wenham, MA

2001                 Gordon in Italy Program, Orvieto, Italy

Professional Affiliations 


Massachusetts State Professional Teaching License, Visual Art (PreK-12)

Massachusetts State Initial Teaching License, Elementary (1-6)

National Art Education Association Membership

Massachusetts Art Education Association Membership



Lui, F. (2011). Selections 11. Artscope, 6(5).


Select Art Exhibitions



Anticipation: An Alumni Art Show, Gordon College, Wenham, MA (upcoming)

NE Collective XV: Blueprint of Imagination, Galatea Fine Art, Boston, MA


Orvieto Show, Christ Church, Hamilton, MA

Normal Now 2024, Arnheim Gallery, Boston, MA


Quête de Fil, Montserrat College of Art, Beverly, MA 

Nôtre Dame, Prattville Gallery, Chelsea, MA

Let There by Light, Galatea Fine Arts, Boston, MA


Artisans’ Asylum Group Show, Forge Baking Co., Somerville, MA


Stitched: Knot What it Seams, Davis Gallery, Worcester, MA

Art Educators of Massachusetts Exhibition, MA Transportation Building, Boston, MA


Those Who Can, Teach, Nave Gallery, Somerville, MA

Exempla, Gordon College, Wenham, MA


Changing Shape, MAEA Members Exhibit, UMass Amherst, Amherst, MA


Clearly Defined, MAEA Members Exhibit, Lesley University, Cambridge, MA

Art Educators of Massachusetts: MAEA Summer Juried Exhibit, MA Transportation Building, Boston, MA


MAEA Members Exhibit, MCLA Gallery 51, North Adams, MA

MassArt Auction, Bakalar & Paine Galleries, Boston, MA

Imagine, Hawthorn Hotel, Salem, MA 

New Works, Arnheim Gallery, Boston, MA


Faculty/ Alumni Recent Work, Gordon College, Wenham, MA

Through the Looking Glass, Mad Hatter Gallery, Marlborough, MA


AE01 Faculty Exhibition, Arnheim Gallery, Boston, MA

Selections 11, Paine Gallery, Boston, MA

Chain Letter, Samson Projects, Boston, MA


Collective, Galatea Fine Arts, Boston, MA


MSAE Thesis Show, Arnheim Gallery, Boston, MA

Alumni Show, Gordon College, Wenham, MA


Que Phenomonal, Arnheim Gallery, Boston, MA


To the Least of These, Gordon College, Wenham, MA


Recent Works (solo), CTK Church, Cambridge, MA


Faculty Art Show, Ipswich Public Schools, Ipswich, MA


North Shore Art Show, Wenham Museum, Wenham, MA


Faculty Art Show, Ipswich Public Schools, Ipswich MA


Senior Thesis, Gordon College, Wenham, MA

© 2025 Aimée Archambault

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